Archive | August, 2019

What do you hear?

20 Aug

If you use social media at all, I’m sure you heard of the  a debate craze over the recording where some people heard Laurel and some heard Yanny. When I first listened, I heard Yanny, but then I read the comments and saw someone say listen to the lower octave, being a singer, I knew what that meant so I started it over and listened again then I could hear Laurel AND Yanny faintly. The third time I listened I could no longer single out the word Yanny and could only hear Laurel. This debate went on for days on several social media outlets and even made national news being played on many TV daytime and late-night talk shows.

People were amazed just, like with the gold and white or blue and black dress; that someone could participate in the exact same activity and hear or see something totally different than them. But isn’t that the way of the world? From political opinion to religion even down to simple taste for certain food and drink our opinions and experiences always vary. The country right now is more than divided politically so I won’t even go there.

Here is one point I want to reflect on. When it came to the recording many heard the same thing, many heard something different. In offices and homes all over the world the discussion was being had, “what do you hear?” Eventually the maker of the recording let us in on the secret. Both words were playing one in a low octave and one high. Those who have tendency to hear high pitch heard the high Yanny and vice versa. But when it comes to the choices we make for our lives we need not base them on what everyone else, hears, sees or thinks, we need to decide for ourselves.

Considering all that has been said have you heard, the love of Jesus is real and is for every man? Have you heard that Jesus died and rose that man might have opportunity to be pardoned from sin? Don’t take if from me, search the scripture for yourself.

Hebrews 3:12-15 (NKJV) say; “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”

On the day your eternity comes calling, you won’t be able to say “Lord, someone told me, but I heard wrong.” You are responsible for your soul’s eternal home. It won’t matter what everyone else heard around you.

Have you heard the calling of Jesus in your heart? Will you answer?

Think about it.

A Glittery Coffin

5 Aug
People say there are only two things sure in life, death and taxes. I don’t know about the latter, but the former is correct. Death is sure.
The bible says, Hebrews 9:27 NKJV, ”And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.”
I recently saw an ad for “glittery coffins,” made and sold in the UK. The advertising company makes coffins that can be categorized as nothing short of spectacular! They offer options such as full glitter coffins in a variety of colors. They even sell personalized coffins with names and jewels on them where clients can design their eternal box themselves.
Looking at their options I wondered, “Who would care about having a glitter coffin?” I mean don’t get me wrong, they are very pretty, and I don’t want to be buried in a plain wooden box but the question is does it really matter what your coffin looks like?
At the end of the day, you will be a dead body lying in a pretty casket all dress up and going nowhere but back to the dirt.
The important point I’m trying to make is this, a glittery casket is fine for a dead body to rest in but when you die where will your soul rest? So many times, I have heard people say, “God doesn’t look at the outside He judges the heart,” then shouldn’t we make our heart for God our focus?
I know there are times we want to dress up our situations, so no one can tell what we are really going through and at times that is what may be best. But always remember no matter how dressed up you are or how glittery your coffin in the end God will judge your life and deeds.
Don’t be caught with a filthy soul lying in a beautiful casket, trust me eternally…you won’t benefit.
Think about it.

The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome

1 Aug


I have always loved reading. When I was a little girl, I enjoyed Aesop’s Fables, Dr. Seuss and Mother Goose stories. These type stories appealed to me because as a kid, they seemed to have hidden meaning.

Now as an adult I realize the meanings weren’t so hidden after all.

I’m sure you know the classic tale of Humpty Dumpty. The story of a fictitious egg character who sat on a wall. There are many aspects of this story that we as women should and should not apply to our lives.


The first thing I notice about Humpty Dumpty is he had to have courage. You see, not only does the rhyme tell us he sat on a wall, in my opinion, to get there he had the courage to first climb that huge wall, knowing he was literally a fragile egg. Many times, in life when we feel fragile, we have to muster up the courage to keep going and climb our wall!

Now, I wonder what made Humpty climb the wall in the first place. Was he trying to get up high and be nosy? Maybe he was attempting to get high up so he could look down on others. Could he have been trying to get up high after being down, wanting to observe God’s higher plan for his life? Or, was there something on the other side of the wall that he needed to retrieve? I know I’m begin deep here but bear with me.

I also wonder why he decided to climb such a high wall knowing he was a fragile individual with no assistance…can we really make it to the top alone? Have there ever been times in your life ladies, where you felt let down by so many that you are determined that, “this time you don’t need anyone?”

Is that really the way we want to live our lives?

Once he got on top, he did as many of us do, he fell. When he fell, his fall was noted in the story as “a great fall.” Have you even had a great fall or fail in your life? Ever been hyped up about a new idea, business plan or relationship only to be let down or fall? If you have not, just keep living.

What took place next is what I really want to focus on. When Humpty was down, there was no one in his kingdom (circle/family) that could put him back together again, regardless of how hard they tried. This says to me that despite how high we get, there are a few things we need to remember.

One, we may not want to admit it, but we do need others during our time of trials and elevation. There must be someone in your family or your circle who can at the very least lift you up in prayer during these times. It is dangerous in my opinion to climb to the top alone, you want to know why…because when you get there you are going to want to share the journey and triumph with someone!

Two, we are going to fall/fail, it’s a part of life. Even big dreamers have nightmares. Don’t be afraid to try because you think you may fail, if you don’t even try due to fear, you have failed already.

Three, there will be times when NOONE can put you back together, it is in these times you must depend completely on God. Dare I say we must always depend completely on God anyway! As women we may often get so overwhelmed being mother, wife, friend, counselor, instructor, leader etc. that we forget we are fragile creatures just like Humpty Dumpty. There will come times we indeed need to be put back together.

Do what Humpty neglected to do; don’t be too prideful to ask for help on your way to the top, don’t be afraid to fail, and finally always depend on God!

Think about it!

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”